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Flamenco, Fandango, folklore, popular and religious festivals in Andalusia.

Updated: Jan 22, 2023

Spain is a country of fiestas. Everyone knows it. Popular festivals, religious processions, Flamenco performances, Fandango concerts participate in these regional traditions which are still very alive.

Andalusians sing and dance. It is not uncommon to see friends, family or neighbors settling down, at the table, on a bench and even in the middle of the street, to sing songs to the glory of Spain, Andalusia or the many Virgens who are admired by the local population.

Flamenco, this bewitching music, these passionate songs, these impressive gestures of precision, these powerful dances, in their traditional or modern versions, also participate in the love we have for this region in the south of Europe. Learn Flamenco during your stay at Villa de la Luz! And listen to the Fandango, this typical song of the Huelva region.

As for the celebrations: the list would be so long! But we would like to encourage you not to miss:


‱ Holy Week in Seville, in Huelva and in all the towns and villages of the Province of Huelva,

‱ the Feria de Abril in Seville,

‱ the pilgrimage to El Rocio (one of the most important in the world),

‱ the Colombinas in Huelva (celebrates each year the departure of Christopher Columbus from here, in our Province),

‱ Christmas celebrations and the Three Kings during which Andalusian towns compete in efforts to be the most sparkling and lively.

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